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AI has rapidly become a cornerstone of modern innovation, transforming industries and creating opportunities. However, these advancements can give rise to significant risks and challenges that organizations must address to ensure the safe and ethical use of AI. It is essential for organizations to establish a robust risk management program as threats evolve.

The challenge: Navigating AI risks

Organizations face a daunting task when it comes to managing AI risks. The landscape is complex with standards like ISO/IEC 23894:2023 and NIST AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) that are lengthy and difficult to harmonize. These critical standards span thousands of pages and require significant effort to understand and implement. Moreover, AI development outpaces the speed at which standards bodies adapt.

Businesses must select, implement, and maintain appropriate controls for safe AI use. They should assess their effectiveness and continuously update their risk management programs to keep pace with new developments. The stakes are high as failure can lead to regulatory challenges, legal consequences, operational disruptions, and loss of stakeholder trust.

The solution: HITRUST AI Risk Management Assessment

Recognizing these challenges, HITRUST has developed the AI Risk Management Assessment, a comprehensive solution designed to help organizations effectively manage AI risks. This first-of-its-kind assessment is tailored to meet the needs of any organization involved in the development or use of AI.

Key features

  1. Comprehensive control requirements: The assessment includes 51 practical and prescriptive risk management control requirements harmonized with leading standards such as ISO/IEC 23894:2023 and NIST AI RMF. It provides a unified approach that is comprehensive and easy to understand for AI governance.
  2. Advanced software platform: The assessment is supported by HITRUST’s MyCSF platform, a powerful SaaS-based assessment tool that simplifies the entire risk management process and enables seamless results sharing.
  3. Actionable reporting: The assessment generates an AI Risk Management Insights Report. The report provides detailed scoring and observations, helping organizations identify vulnerabilities and prioritize actions. The report offers demonstratable proof of the organization’s commitment to managing AI risks.
  4. Flexible application: The HITRUST assessment is adaptable to any organization’s needs, whether it is just starting an AI journey or is deeply involved in AI development. It can be used as a self-assessment or for independent validation through an external assessor.
  5. Efficiency and consistency: The HITRUST AI Risk Management Assessment follows a systematic, consistent protocol that directly maps to multiple authoritative standards. This approach ensures reliable assurance and reporting. It is designed to save time and resources, enabling organizations to focus on what matters most — innovation and growth.

Why choose HITRUST?

HITRUST provides a solution that addresses unique AI risks, while also being scalable and accessible to organizations of all sizes and across all industries with its AI Risk Management Assessment.

By choosing HITRUST, you’re not just implementing a risk management program — you’re partnering with a leader in the field who is committed to helping you navigate the complexities of AI governance with confidence.

Get in touch and secure your AI future with HITRUST.

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